Monthly Archives: August 2012

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When talk of investments goes deeper, timeshares are almost always thrown into the mix. This popular option can sound very enticing at first, but is it worth the investment? For those who aren’t familiar with the concept, a timeshare is a type of ownership of property for a specific period of time. For example, a person may be granted the right to use a condominium for the month of June every year. There are of course limitations and other complications to this rule, but this is the gist of a timeshare.

First timers can quickly be enticed into purchasing a timeshare as the seller can easily woo him with talk of dream vacations and the like. Other salespeople bank on the instrument’s resale value, so there’s always something to look forward to. More wary buyers will look into the details first before putting their money down.

It’s always a good idea to have a look at the property before purchasing a share. In some cases, this isn’t always practical as the condo unit might be in another city or region, and the seller is hinting that his offer is on a limited time only. Still, it’s better to spend a few days looking over the area than to spend a few years regretting a bad financial decision. As many people have found, you can’t even give one away.

A good timeshare investment will also take into account the timing and annual costs of the property. If a buyer uses it primarily for vacation time, then the share is worth it already. If he’s looking into extended fees at disproportionate time periods, then a timeshare might not be the best choice after all.

It’s not unusual to find yourself wanting to be debt- free or even to dream of becoming rich. This is a common aspiration for almost everyone. Some more enterprising individuals however go the distance by actually committing themselves to attaining their financial goals, thereby rising above the masses to become successful.

The biggest difference between most people and the financially well- off is that the latter kept going on despite the challenges they faced. Sometimes, the hardest part is the beginning, and here many people don’t even bother to start at zero. First of all, you must admit to yourself your shortfalls and failings. Look at your life and see what works and what doesn’t. Only by being completely honest with yourself will you be able to move forward.

Next, find people that can inspire you. Instead of looking down on others, look up towards businessmen and entrepreneurs who have become successful in life. Find out how they accomplished their goals and try to emulate that in your own situation. Not everything will work for you, but there’s bound to be somebody that you can relate with.

Finally, always shoot for 110 percent. Don’t be satisfied with earning your first $1000 or even $ 10,000. Keep going until you find yourself dreaming of millions and billions. This is what separates the successful from the ordinary; an insatiable hunger for better things.

One of the most popular investment avenues for most people is the mutual fund. It’s easy to invest in and relatively easy to understand. Because of the diversified nature of this instrument, the risk is much lower than other investment options. Unfortunately, with so many banks offering this option, the actual performance rate is noticeably lower than the average index. If you look at the rate that’s out in the market and compare it with any mutual fund index, you’ll see how much more you might be earning in the outside market.

It’s easy to understand how these managed funds have become popularized; the number of ads being put out today along with the target market makes it an enticing offer. This is especially true for ordinary investors who have no idea where to put their money.

If you’re not convinced by these ads, then your local bank officer will probably have invited you to invest in their in- house fund. They might direct you to the fact that you have some cash that’s worth investing, or that you might be eligible for a new investment program that they’re putting out. Whatever the case, most clients won’t be able to walk out of the building without signing their name to a mutual fund contract.

In order for this trend to change, people must be educated about these mutual funds and the stock market in general. While these banks and institutions aren’t necessarily doing any harm, most people will benefit from knowing that their money is in more profitable ventures.